Monday, March 10, 2014

Norms and Sanctions

     When spending time with your hipster friends, you should know what is acceptable and what is unacceptable.

UNNACEPTABLE- Using plastic, styrofoam or other environmentally unfriendly materials.
YOU WILL BE- Gasped at, glared at, and given a quick environmental science lesson.

UNACCEPTABLE- Listening to pop music.
YOU WILL BE- Given an eye roll and handed a Front Bottoms vinyl album.

UNACCEPTABLE- Anti-minority, anti-feminist, misogynistic or misandry-laden speech. Hate speech.
YOU WILL BE- Screamed at, yelled at, called names, and given a list of reasons why you should respect that group.

UNACCEPTABLE- Expensive clothes.
YOU WILL BE- Looked up and down, given a shake of the head and ignored.

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